Latest News

A few events are in store. As you may have read or heard, Dylan Clark will be leaving at the end of August. He proposed a commemorative simul between himself and his many friends at the TRCC. This will take place on the 10th of August. The aim is for 10 players (Edd Knowles is requested) beginning at 7:00 PM. It will be a satisfactory sendoff for Dylan. Those who wish to participate, please contact me by email or at the meeting.
Next, our renowned Life Master, Eugene Saloman, bolstered by his recent simul and the publication of the articles written about him in Spain, has volunteered to hold another lecture for the club, this one on Queen-Knight combinations with illustrations from his games, among them world champion Alekhine-( Gijon-1944)--I.M. F.J.Perez (Madrid 1947) -- I.M Rogelio Ortega (Havana-1952)--F.M.Adam Leif-(U.S.Open 1986) and Russian F.M Murzin Lenar (World Open-1998), depending on time. (You may recognize a name or two!) This will take place on the 17th of August, beginning at about 7:00 PM. Gene’s lectures are a highlight for the club and should not be missed; for players of all skill levels, especially our “young tigers”.

Enjoy our video tips to improve your play.

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The Toms River Chess Club promotes the popularity of the game of chess in an informal environment where the club members can observer, participate and learn at their own pace. The TRCC also provides players an opportunity to play in consolation games, interact in lectures, and compete in USCF rated tournaments. Please see our calendar for upcoming events.
We meet on Thursdays at 6:00pm in the town hall building across from the library. Click here for directions.