
From the North:
Garden State Parkway to exit 81. Bear right, back over the Parkway toward Toms River on Water Street. Continue on Water Street past the post office on the right and the 7-Eleven at the third light. For metered parking continue straight past the traffic light two short blocks to the multi-level parking garage on the left. The parking garage is located behind the library which is no more than four minutes from the Garden State Parkway exit. For free parking continue to the fourth light and turn left onto (Route 549) Hooper Avenue. Proceed through the next traffic light (intersection with Washington Street). Turn right into the first one-way entrance driveway (just past the County Administration Building at 101 Hooper Avenue). After "stop" sign, turn left to enter County parking garage. Parking is two blocks from the library.
From the South:
Garden State Parkway North to exit 81. Continue straight off the exit heading east towards Toms River on Water Street past the post office on the right and the 7-Eleven at the second light. For metered parking continue straight past the traffic light two short blocks to the multi-level parking garage on the left. The parking garage is located behind the library which is no more than three minutes from the Garden State Parkway exit. For free parking continue to the third light and turn left onto (Route 549) Hooper Avenue. Proceed through the next traffic light (inter-section with Washington Street). Turn right into the first one-way entrance drive-way (just past the County Administration Building at 101 Hooper Avenue). After "stop" sign, turn left to enter County Parking garage. Parking is two blocks from the library.
From the Trenton Area:
Take l-195 to Rt. 527 (Jackson exit #21.) Head south-east on Rt. 527 to Rt. 571 (approximately 13 miles of country roads.) Make a left onto Rt. 571 continuing a short distance to the traffic light at Rt. 9 (Rt. 166.) Make a right onto Rt. 9 (Rt. 166.) Go a short distance to Garden State Parkway Entrance South (Rt. 9.) Follow the Parkway to exit 81 and then follow the directions "From the North."
From the Camden Area:
Rt. 70 East to Rt. 37 East. After passing under the Garden State Parkway, take the first right onto Main Street (Rt. 166) at the traffic light. The Toms River Shopping Center is on the right at the corner and the Dover Mall is on the left corner. Once on Main Street, continue past the first light, Wachovia Bank will be on your right. At the second light, make a left onto Water Street. For metered parking take the second left to the multi-level parking garage. The multi-level parking garage is located behind the library. For free parking continue to next traffic light and turn left onto (Route 549) Hooper Avenue. Proceed through the next traffic light (intersection with Washington Street). Turn right into the first one-way entrance driveway (just past the County Administration Building at 101 Hooper Avenue). After the "stop" sign, turn left to enter County parking garage. Parking is two blocks from the library.
From the New Brunswick Area:
Rt. 18 to Rt. 9 South. Proceed on Rt. 9 South to Garden State Parkway entrance (Rt. 9) approximately 30 miles from Rt. 18. Continue on the Parkway a short distance to exit 81. Then follow the direction "From the North."