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Oct. 4, 2017
Toms River Chess Club Newsletter 2017 #34
This week (29 September-4 October)….
A few members took heed and renewed before their actual due date (proving that the newsletter is read by some of the people that receive it!) including: Tom Bogert, Vincent Calfapietra, and William “Jake” Wright. Special mention must be made of Jim Carter, who not only gave his renewal dues to another member to forward to the club, even though he only infrequently attends, but also solicited a donation for the holiday auction from Tony Verderese, who plays at Leisure Village West and the Manchester library. Thank you very much, all!
This leaves Steve D’Agostino, Dan Westadt, Elliott Kleinman, Alan Kapuschinsky (who made an appearance this week!), Richard Newmark, Evan Segui and Paul Howe due to renew in October.
Dinkar Pujara and Bryce Troncone, who intend to play in the Eastern Congress Chess Tournament on the 27th-29th of October, moved one step closer by renewing and joining, respectively, the USCF at the meeting, through the TRCC, saving $3 through our affiliation. Congratulations! Pins indicating USCF membership were awarded to them by the president.
Pictures of some of these aforementioned members will appear as attachments to this email and will be in our member book.
THE BLITZ TOURNAMENT at the club will take place on the 19th of October meeting at 7:00. There is a $5 entry fee and prizes will be awarded bases on the number of entries. It is an unrated tournament so more members can play.
IF YOU ARE GOING TO PLAY, tell the TD (Tournament Director), as soon as possible. (That’s me.) email me, if you don’t think you will be at a meeting beforehand. Or call.
Attending were: Rexford Cristal, Edd Knowles, Chris and Janice Kenney, Isaiah and Joan Totaro, Austin Kramer (who brought a first time visitor and brand new chess player), Kim Carter (we hope you will return), Nathan Kripinski, George Jenkinson, Tom Bogert, Lowell Berg, Vincent Calfapietra, Alan Kapuschinsky, Dave Doucette, Stan Lachick, Steve D’Agostino, Joe Ferraioli, Greg Coats, Karl Wonderlin, Rob Murray, Dinkar Pujara, Mike Symczak, David Kleinfeld, Steve Hernandez, Jim Tuzeneu, Pat Festa, Sulia Mason, Jim Bonanno, Alicia and Justin Baylock ( who we were happy to see after their recent loss, welcome back!) and myself.
IF YOU HAVE ANY CHESS RELATED MATERIAL WHICH YOU INTEND TO DONATE FOR THE AUCTION, please bring it to the club as soon as you are able.
Photos (left to right) are of Jim Carter, Steve D'Agostino, Dinkar Pujara, Vinny Calfapietra and Bryce Troncone. Look through the book and get to know your fellow members.
Any questions, comments, corrections or suggestions, contact me:
Stephen Shoshin