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Sept. 28, 2017
Toms River Chess Club Newsletter 2017 #33
This week (21-28 September)….
A fine meeting took place, with a few faces from a long time ago making an appearance. A guy whose first appearance at the club was on the same night as mine, Anthony Hinds, made a return for the first time in years. That night was Halloween, 2014. I was the only one there! Then Tony arrived, and fortuitously brought a chess set. (I didn’t have one yet!) Quite a difference with a typical meeting now! Actually, a third person showed up much later that evening, and coincidentally returned for this meeting! David Wozniak, quite a serendipitous occurrence! Now if only they would renew club membership, the TRCC would be grateful.
As a head’s up, members due for renewal in October include: Alan Kapuschinsky (who hasn’t been around in a while, why?), Dan Westadt (who has made forays to the Marshall and Westfield Chess Clubs for tournaments), Tom Bogert, Richard Newmark, Evan Segui, Paul Howe (another AWOL), Elliott Kleinman, Vincent Calfapietra, and Steve D’Agostino.
Another member inadvertently missed a couple of meetings by coming on the wrong day! Pete Pietras! Talk about retirement nonchalance! In attendance were: Nathan Kripinski, Tom Bogert, George Jenkinson, Rexford Cristal, Austin Kramer, Anthony Hinds, Jim Bonanno, Isaiah and Joan Totaro, Joe Ferraioli, Lowell Berg, Chris and Janice Kenny, Edd Knowles, Vin Calfapietra, Marvin Shumowitz, Steven Hernandez, Pravin Lakhani, David Doucette, Daniel and Patrick Balton, Peter Pietras, Rob Murray, Bob Whiteside, Stan Lachick, Pat Festa, Mike Symczak, Dinkar Pujara, Matthew Gil, Anthony Nemini (? Penmanship, please), David Wozniak and myself.
For those interested in upcoming rated tournaments, you must be a USCF member. You will be required to take notation and use a chess clock correctly. As GM Pontus Carlsson recommends, tournaments will improve your chess play. His article in American Chess Magazine will be at the next meeting.
In an effort to help in this regard, Stephen Shoshin had Nathan Kripinski make his first notated game, and use a clock. Nathan struggled at first, but improved as the game went on. Steve Hernandez, observing, offered to show Nathan better moves after the game. With the notation available, he was able to exactly re-create the position where Nathan would have had a forced mate, an example of the benefit of accurate notation.
Bob Whiteside and Pravin Lakhani were rapt in games, causing Bob to stay an hour after his usual departure. Chess! Edd Knowles and Marvin Shumowitz were also caught up in playing one another. Marvin is a new member and a very strong player. A potential contender to Edd’s status as TRCC Club Champion! And let us not forget about the threat Eugene Salomon made to play! Marvin’s photo will be in our member photo book, so easy identification can be made for inquiring opponents. This will be a new feature of the club. Fill out a brief bio (forms are available) and pose for a photo, so everyone can recognize each other. And don’t forget that the 2018 Club Championship will be a rated tournament!
Reminders: Hamilton quads on Saturday, the 30th of September (I put the wrong month down last week), The TRCC Club Blitz Championship will be on the 19th of October. Please register for the Blitz tournament ASAP. Unrated, but with a $5 EF and money prizes to be determined. Anyone who has any chess-related material who wishes to donate it for the holiday auction, please bring it to the meeting.
On a very sad note, Alicia Baylock’s father passed away last week. A condolence card was signed by members and sent to the Baylock family. Our sympathies lie with them at this sad time.
Any questions, comments, corrections or suggestions, contact me:
Stephen Shoshin
Toms River Chess Club Newsletter 2017 #33