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Sept., 20, 2017
Toms River Chess Club Newsletter 2017 #33
This week (14-20 September)….
Another well-attended meeting with new and renewing members made for a lively evening of chess. A couple more members expressed interest in the upcoming Eastern Congress Tournament in Princeton, which will be held on October 27, 28 and 29, 2017. It is a CCA (Continental Chess Association) tournament which holds numerous tournaments throughout the US. The schedule for these events can be found in the TLA (Tournament Life Announcement) section of Chess Lifemagazine, the publication of the USCF (United States Chess Federation). It is mailed monthly to premium members or available on-line to regular members and is available to TRCC members at meetings as a print copy, which is included as part of the affiliate fee for our club. USCF memberships can be had for a slightly reduced rate through the TRCC.
The Eastern Congress is a 5 round tournament in 7 sections of G40 (40 moves)/100 (in 100 minutes), SD 30 (additional 30 minutes if the move total is made in the time limit), d10 (delay of ten seconds before time is reduced), which is how the description is read. It is USCF rated, so membership is required to play. EF (entry fee) is $113 for first 6 sections. U1100 (under 1100) rated or unrated pays $50 less EF. $20,000 prize pool is the brass ring.
All this information, as well as hotel rates and parking information is in the TLA or on the postcards mailed to the TRCC on display at the meetings. Ask any member who has played in tournaments for more information. Tournaments are the ultimate chess over-the-board experience.
Nathan Kripinski, Isaiah and Joan Totaro, Tom Bogert, Avery, Colin, Brian and Kristina Hayes, George Jenkinson, Steve D’Agostino, Don Ziemba, Tom Moore, Pravin Lakhani, Jim Bonanno, Greg Coats, Steve and Paul Hernandez, Dave Doucette, Joe O’Brien, Joe Ferraioli, Daniel and Patrick Balton, David Kleinfeld, Michael Contarino, Rob Murray, Bob Whiteside, Stan Laychick, Dinkar Pujara, Mike Symczak, Pat Festa, Adam Horwitz, Bryce Troncone, Mike Favata, Samuel Riello, Michael Chua, Lowell Berg, Marvin Shumowitz, Edd Knowles and myself were in attendance.
The TRCC congratulates, thanks and welcomes new member Dinkar Pujara, our newest member! We welcome back Sulia Mason III, a long-time member whose work schedule had precluded his making meetings, but has renewed his membership and hopefully has had his interest in chess rekindled. Thanks, Sulia!
Evan Segui is back on his feet, but faces a long recovery. All the best to you, Evan. Alicia Baylock’s father has had an operation also, and we hope all goes well with his recovery. Alicia has been busy helping him out which is why she has not attended recently, for those who have asked about her and Justin.
For those interested in tournament play but not up for a lengthy one, Hamilton Chess Club is staging their monthly quad tournament on Saturday, the 30th of October. It is a 3 round one day tournament with a $10 EF. It is an excellent way to initiate tournament play.
If anyone has any chess related books, sets, boards or other paraphernalia, please consider donating any or all of it to the TRCC in preparation for another auction which we hope for around the holidays. It was quite a lot of fun and was very successful, but we need items to auction. More on this as the year progresses.
The rescheduled Blitz Tournament will be the 19th of October. It will be an unrated tournament so more TRCC members can play, as many are not yet USCF members. More on this to follow in further newsletters.
Finally, with the advent of so many new members, identifying them, remembering their names, is difficult for others so a new practice is being implemented. New members are being photographed and the photos will be collected in a new binder with sleeves donated by Bob Whiteside so members can search for names.
Any questions, comments, corrections or suggestions, contact me:
Stephen Shoshin
Toms River Chess Club Newsletter 2017 #33