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August 24, 2017
oms River Chess Club Newsletter 2017 #30
This week (24-31 August)….
The TRCC gave a send-off befitting Dylan Clark at his last regular meeting and Dylan Clark gave the TRCC quite a leave-taking! He not only renewed his membership but made a monetary donation to the club as a “Thank you” for his time with us as well! The hugs and goodbyes were appropriate and heartfelt as Dylan had made many friends at the club. He attributed playing here with elevating his game and rating and appreciated having willing participants to test his studied positions and openings. His regular attendance will be sorely missed. But he certainly isn’t giving up on chess! Dylan already plans to start a chess club in Somers Point, which will be his new hometown. Best of luck, and we look forward to seeing you at future tournaments and return visits to the TRCC.
As part of the farewell, a pizza night was held, which certainly was appreciated by all those attending. Among who were Dylan Clark, Tom Bogert, Austin Kramer, Joe O’Brien, Rich Newmark, Nathan Kripinski, George Jenkinson, Brian Sr., Brian Jr., Avery and Colin Hayes, Steve D’Agostino, Isaiah Totaro, Elliott Kleinman, Pat Festa, Vincent Calfapietra (with a generous donation), Edd Knowles (looking almost svelt), Kyril Kavetsky, Joe Ferraioli, Pete Velez, Chris and Janis Kenney, Jim Bonanno, Dan Westadt, Kali and Drake McDonald, Steve and Pat Hernandez, Jim Tuzeneu, Stan Lachick, Mike Lyons, David Kleinfeld, Jonathan and Robert Capalbo, Lowell Berg, Adam Horwitz and myself. Pizza and soda and coffee and chess! What could be better?
Steve Hernandez, who we haven’t seen since the quads held at Brian Meinders’ a few years ago, not only made an appearance, but also renewed his TRCCmembership. He was a member long ago, a strong player, and has returned. Thanks and congratulations, Steve! He also brought his wife and grandchildren, who gamely participated.
We bid a fond adieu (temporarily) to Jonathan Capalbo who will be returning to Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken for the fall term. Jonathan is getting back to top form in his chess game and put the club on notice that he will try to return for the blitz tournament in September.
And we will be soon losing another college bound member: Kyril Kavetsky will be departing for Rowen University in Glassboro in another week. Kyril also promises a return whenever possible. The TRCC will miss all of our departing veterans and wishes them much success and best wishes in all their future endeavors.
Coming up soon will be member lectures. Thirty minute or so lectures on a topic of their choosing by anyone interested in one aspect of the game will be the aim. This means you! Prepare a short lecture and display it on the demo board for all interested. Edd Knowles is getting one ready and should kick off this series soon.
Also the club championship blitz tournament will be here before you know it. The 14th of September is the date. The Eastern Congress tournament by the CCA is set forOctober 27-29 in Princeton. This would be an excellent introduction to slow game (40/100, SD/30 d 10) tournament play for those interested.
A number of TRCC members played at the Calvary Lighthouse meeting of Judge Wendell Daniels on Monday evening. The address is 1133 E County Line Road Lakewood NJ 08701. The meet lasts from 7 PM to 9:30 or so PM. Because of the Labor Day weekend and previous commitments, it will be held on Tuesday for the next two weeks. Judge Daniels welcomes all interested chessplayers.
Any Questions, comments, suggestions or corrections, please contact me:
Stephen Shoshin