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August 10, 2017
Toms River Chess Club Newsletter 2017 #28
This week (10-16 August)….
Dylan Clark did very well indeed in his simultaneous match against ten of Toms River Chess Club’s members; he won 6 games, drew two and lost two. A couple of people who intended to play didn’t so up so substitutes were quickly found. He faced Isaiah Totaro and Alicia Baylock, both of who won their games, He drew Greg Coats and Karl Wonderlin and beat Nathan Kripinski, George Jenkinson, Dylan Giacobbi, Avery and Colin Hayes and Joe Ferraioli. Seemingly exhausted by the end of the match, Dylan was never-the-less all smiles as he accepted a medal from the club president. His game with Isaiah drew a crowd of appreciative spectators. All in all, a win-win situation.
***The big event for the next meeting (17 August) will be the lecture by the TRCC’s Life Master, Eugene Salomon. Gene has confirmed and hopes to start by 7 PM. There is also a possibility that Wayne Conover may add to the lecture with an instructive game of his own. Wayne played in a US Correspondence Olympiad and was rated almost 2400. Not enough can be said about the chess history of Gene Salomon. He is a valuable link to the past and a treasure for our club in the present. This event is not to be missed!***
Lowell berg has completed a project for which he was enlisted by Steve Doyle. Lowell spent hours and hours scouring back issues of Chess Life magazine, searching for the team names which won the “Best Name” prize at the USATE (United States Amateur Team East) tournaments in the past. Steve requested it for a plaque to be commissioned before the next tournament in February 2018. Lowell’s reward will be the presentation of a chess clock for the club. Thanks to Lowell for this daunting task. Mr. Doyle expressed his appreciation and will bestow a clock on his next visit!
Edd Knowles received a check from the club for services rendered as web master for the TRCC in reimbursement for his expenditures. He left the meeting and soon thereafter called me to apologize for overcharging the club by mistake. He wanted to atone immediately so met me on Friday to pay the club back. Afterwards, we played an instructional game of chess utilizing the London System Opening. He was so good at this that I recruited him to draft a lecture for the club in the near future. Hopefully, this will be the first of a new series of lectures by other club members who wish to impart chess knowledge; a weekly occurrence. If you have an idea for a lecture you wish to deliver, please prepare it and contact me for scheduling.
An interesting happenstance was pointed out by Kristina Hayes. Her son Colin played in an academic tournament and admitted he had a very hard time with one opponent. Now both he and his opponent, Nathan Kripinski, are TRCC members! The future games between them will be interesting to follow. A good competitive rivalry blooms!
Many TRCC members, as well as regulars of another chess group, his Honor Wendel Daniels’ club, met on Monday evening at the Calvary Baptist Church where meetings are held from 7 to 9:30 PM. It was a small but lively bunch with slow and fast games being played. It is another recommended venue for the great game of chess. If you wish to attend, please see the TRCC president or Evan Segui for more information. The more, the merrier!
Another large group made for a fine meeting. On hand were: Tom Bogert, Nathan Kripinski, George Jenkinson, Jim Carter, Jim Bonanno, Kristina, Avery, Colin and Brian Hayes, Isaiah and Joan Totaro, Dylan Clark, Joe Ferrraioli, Damon Simms, Pravin Lakhani, Bob Whiteside, Elliott Kleinman (who recruited a neighbor to visit the club, Dinkar Pujgra), Karl Wonderlin, Rob Murray, Andrew Assur, David Kleinfeld, Alicia and Justin Baylock, Steve D’Agostino, Dylan Giacobbi, Greg Coats, Renee Paugutan, Vinny Calfapietra, Lowell Berg, Stan Lachick, Michael Chua, Jim Tuzeneu, Robert and Jonathan Capalabo, Mike Symczak, Edd Knowles, Dave Doucette, Sam Foster and myself. It necessitated getting two new sets and boards from the club’s stash as we ran out! This is a very pleasing problem to be faced with! Fortunately, we have even more sets ready for any size crowd! Come and participate in our esteemed club!
Photos of Dylan’s simul and the crowd at the meeting are attached. Photos of all his opponents will be put on the website soon.
Any questions, comments, corrections or suggestions, contact me:
Stephen Shoshin