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August 31, 2017
Toms River Chess Club Newsletter 2017 #31
This week (31 August-6 September)….
There are a few interesting items mentioned in this newsletter, please read it.
Edd Knowles will be giving the first lecture in a series (hopefully) by any member of the Toms River Chess Club who wants to share a particular subject with anyone interested in the topic. Edd’s is entitled: “How to really improve your chess play and chess rating”. With Edd’s experience in chess as a qualification, the lecture should prove enlightening. But any member who wants to highlight a particular element of chess are urged to prepare a lesson. Please let me know if you are interested.
Two new members joined the club this week: Dylan Giacobbi, who was a frequent visitor and Marvin Shumowitz, a first time visitor who heard about the club at the USATE in February. His schedule now allows him free Thursday evenings, so he immediately joined. Thanks to Dylan and Marvin and congratulations. Welcome!
Mark Mutter, recently retired County Clerk, surprised the club and Kyril Kavetsky with an ice cream cake to commemorate Kyril’s imminent departure for Rowan University. It was appreciated and enjoyed by all. Thank you, Mark! (And be sure to attend more TRCC meetings and play some chess!) And best wishes to Kyril in this new venture.
In the recent election for the Executive Board of the United States Chess Federation, our own Hal Sprechman was successful in his bid for one of the three-year terms! Congratulationsl! Hal is also president of the New Jersey State Chess Federation and a TRCC member. We are proud of Mr. Sprechman and wish him “Good Luck” in this endeavor.
The USCF (since 1927 in one form or another) has made many changes in its format. Are we not to refer to it as “USCF” anymore, deferring to “USChess”? FIDE (Federation Internationale des Echecs) formed on 20 July 1924, is also known as the World Chess Federation. Is the need for change and modernity de rigueur for such an ancient (and basically unchanged) game?
Another TRCC alumni, Pete Tamburro, is the Managing Editor of the new publication, American Chess Magazine! A sample edition is available at the meeting. It was included with this month’s Chess Life from the USCF (or USChess?) All club copies of the magazine are available for members to take home and peruse and return when finished. It is sent to “premium” USCF members or is available on line for “regular” members. The TRCC receives a print copy as part of our affiliation.
The club was dismayed at hearing that Evan Segui, one of our regular (and popular) members, is in hospital and has been for a number of days with complications from gall bladder surgery. He is in Monmouth Medical Center, Southern Campus (formerly Kimball Hospital). Although his prognosis is positive, and his outlook upbeat, he has considerable discomfort. We wish him an easy recovery and a return to chess as soon as he is able.
Finally, the ongoing sale at the House of Staunton and USCF Sales is still going on (15% off and free shipping over $100) so if you wish to order anything, see me at the next meeting.
Attending were: Nathan Kripinski, George Jenkinson (who both set up and put away, many thanks!), Dylan Giacobbi, Tom Bogert (also helping to set up), Rexford Cristal, Steve D’Agostino, Isaiah and Joan Totaro, Joe Ferraioli (who played on Monday at Judge Daniels’), Steven Hernandez, Kyril Kavetsky, Mark Mutter, Rob Murray, Bob Whiteside, Stan Laychick, Michael Contarino (finally back), Jordan Kovar (in town for a visit), Gregory Coats, Dave Doucette, Michael Chua, Vin Calfapietra, Damon Simms, Pat Festa, Dinkar Pujara, Mike Symczak, Jim Tuzeneu, Marvin Shumovitz, Joe O’Brien, Ethan Leon, Mike Lyons, David Kleinman, Adrian and Bob Love (who everyone was glad to see!) and myself.
Any questions, comments, suggestions or corrections, please contact me:
Stephen Shoshin