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July 27, 2017
Toms River Chess Club Newsletter 2017 #26
This week (27 July-2 August)….
The Toms River Chess Club continues to grow, surely and steadily. It is attributable to not one person but to many: a group effort. Word of mouth, our website, the newsletter, advertising by our logo shirts (not to be underestimated!) and the good feeling that the members put forth when any visitors or potential recruits come calling. Thank you to all our members for their efforts and support, both instructional and financial. The TRCC owes its success to you!
Attending were members: Joe Ferraioli, Lowell Berg, Richard Newmark, Tom Bogert, Isaiah and Joan Totaro, Joe O’Brien, Dylan Clark, Mike Favata, Austin Kramer, Steve D’Agostino, Stan Lachick, Edd Knowles, Chris Kenney, Jim Bonanno, Michael Chua, Steve Doyle, Pravin Lakhani, Rexford Cristal, Damon Simms, Mike Symczak, Vincent Calfapietra, Justin and Alicia Baylock, Bob Whiteside, Jonathan and Bob Capalbo, Daniel Balton, Pat Festa, Sam foster and myself. Visitors were the grandparents of Nathan Kripinsky (who were checking out the club for Nathan, who is soon to visit), and David Doucette. David attends the same church as our Sulia Mason III, who told him about the club. Thank you, Sulia! A former visitor, David Kleinfeld, became our newest member! Thank you, David, and welcome!
A few events are in store. As you may have read or heard, Dylan Clark will be leaving at the end of August. He proposed a commemorative simul between himself and his many friends at the TRCC. This will take place on the 10th of August. The aim is for 10 players (Edd Knowles is requested) beginning at 7:00 PM. It will be a satisfactory sendoff for Dylan. Those who wish to participate, please contact me by email or at the meeting.
Next, our renowned Life Master, Eugene Saloman, bolstered by his recent simul and the publication of the articles written about him in Spain, has volunteered to hold another lecture for the club, this one on Queen-Knight combinations with illustrations from his games, among them world champion Alekhine-( Gijon-1944)--I.M. F.J.Perez (Madrid 1947) -- I.M Rogelio Ortega (Havana-1952)--F.M.Adam Leif-(U.S.Open 1986) and Russian F.M Murzin Lenar (World Open-1998), depending on time. (You may recognize a name or two!) This will take place on the 17th of August, beginning at about 7:00 PM. Gene’s lectures are a highlight for the club and should not be missed; for players of all skill levels, especially our “young tigers”.
Also, the venue for the upcoming Eastern Chess Conference Tournament has been announced. It will take place at the Hyatt Regency, Princeton, NJ on the 27th to the 29th of October 2017. This is the closest to Toms River any major tournament will be held. Many members have asked about rated tournaments and this would be a perfect first one for them. The EF is $113.00 and USCF membership is required. A $20,000 prize pool is guaranteed. Don’t forget, if you are not already a USCF member, the TRCC can sign you up at a savings of $3.00.
Two clocks were awarded to members Edd Knowles and Michael Favata at the meeting. The clocks were replacements for lost clocks at the 2017 USATE tournament. The lost clocks were borrowed and not returned. The club felt the loss was regrettable and an anonymous donation was made to replace them. Thanks to the donor! The surprise and appreciation on the faces of the recipients were thanks in and of themselves. Let us hope that it will encourage them to enter the 2018 USATE!
If you haven’t read the article about Gene and his chess history, here is the link again:
And if you play out his game with Alekhine, the letters for the pieces are different in Spanish:
A= Bishop (i.e. Ac4 means Bc4), C= Knight (i.e. Ce2 means Ne2), T= Rook (i.e. Td8 means Rd8), D= Queen (i.e. Dh4 means Qh4).... and most confusing of all ...R = King (i.e. Rg7 means Kg7). Thanks to Steve D’Agostino for this translation.
Any questions, comments or suggestions, contact me:
Stephen Shoshin