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August 3, 2017
Toms River Chess Club Newsletter 2017 #27
This week (3-10 August)….
Our soon-to-depart-for-better-climes member Dylan Clark, will get his shot at chess stardom at the next meeting by challenging 10 other members in a simultaneous exhibition to display his chess prowess! In his short time with the club, he has been awarded a trophy for improved play presented by the club last year, received a plaque at the Eastern Congress, played in simuls against a Master (draw) and Grandmaster (loss) and made many friends at the TRCC.
So far, Austin Kramer, Edd Knowles, Mike Favata, Alicia Baylock (also possibly Justin) and our newest member, Nathan Kripinski, have agreed to enter the competition. So if you want to pit your skills against Dylan, this may be your last opportunity for a while. Contact me if you wish to join in the simul. Although he is rated only 1276, he has surprised many better rated players. The simul will start at 7PM.
As to the new members, 8 year old Nathan Kripinski who joined this week as our youngest member, and his grandfather, George, who came to visit and inquire about the club previously, entered our ranks with enthusiasm. Nathan, who already knows the game and plays slowly and deliberately, will only improve by playing fellow members. Give him a game at the next meeting. Thank you and welcome!
And thanks to Matthew Gil for his renewal. Matt was away and nervous about the renewal but his fears were allayed through emails. His dedication and consideration are commendable for a young gentleman. He is looking forward to the chess club at high school this coming semester. He brought his friend and fellow chess club student Anthony Verrilli for a visit.Thanks, Matthew!
Due for renewal are: Kyle Garrison (who we don’t see enough of), Bob Whiteside, Jim Carter and Dylan Clark. (In addition to many who have lapsed, yet have not been seen for ages, nor expressed an interest in renewing.)
Next week is a lecture by Master Eugene Salomon, who will demonstrate Queen Knight combinations based on his games; among them, one versus the legendary Alekhine from 1944! Don’t miss it!
Edd Knowles came bearing bad news (so he said) but it wasn’t, really. He has been paying the fees associated with the TRCC web site for 3 years without seeking repayment which will now be made. He added the good news that we will be able to much more easily add pictures and information to the site: tomsriverchessclub.com. This restitution will deplete some of the treasury but may inspire fund raising plans. Can you come up with any?
Despite many regulars being absent, 31 people attended. Members Dylan Clark, Steve D’Agostino, Tom Bogert, Mike Favata, Austin Kramer, Chris and Janice Kenney, Pat Festa, Elliott Kleinman, Isaiah Totaro, Peter Pietras, Jim Carter, Matthew Gil, Nathan Kripinski and his grandfather George Jenkinson, Joe Ferraioli, Pravin Lakhani, Edd Knowles, Michael Chua, Andrew Assur, Stan Lachick, Rob Slomicz (making a surprise visit!), Colin Dalton, Mike Symczak, Adam Horwitz (making a huge contribution to “petty cash”), Evan Segui, Sam Foster and myself. Dylan Giacobbi, David Doucette and Anthony Verrilli were visitors.
Member Rob Murray, who moonlights as a thespian of no little regard, performed as “Peter Austin” in Terence McNally’s It’s Only a Play in the Guild Theatreworks production this past weekend. He was commendable, as was his girlfriend Danielle Simanek, who members may have met at the Caruana simul this past March, where she cheered Rob on. The entire cast made the production very enjoyable. A photo of the stars greeting their admiring public is attached for your delectation. Also one of Rob and his co-star, Rob Civile.
Any questions, comments or suggestions, contact me:
Stephen Shoshin