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July 20,, 2017
Toms River Chess Club Newsletter 2017 #25
This week (20-26 July)….
Quite a productive week for the TRCC; new members, renewals, clock sales, the return of ailing members, and leftover celebratory cake to boot!
A few new visitors became members: Adam Horwitz, Joe Ferraioli and Colin Dalton filled out the membership form, paid the dues ($20 annually) and were welcomed into the club, receiving custom notation pads, logo mugs and congratulations. Thank you, men!
Renewals by Stan Lachick, Damon Simms and Mike Symczak bolstered the club’s coffers and strengthened the depth of chess talent. Thanks to you men, also!
Another chess clock was purchased by Ethan Leon; two more are promised so if you are interested in one ($40 with 4 C cell batteries), please let me know.
It was great to see Mike Symczak return after a much too long illness. He’s back to form and constantly improving both health-wise and chess-wise. He also brought a tray of cookies for our delectation.Welcome back, Mike!
A retirement party for Mark Mutter, Toms River Township Clerk, former Mayor and Township Historian (and TRCC member) was held before the meeting and a delicious sheet cake (or what was left of it) was earmarked for the club. Mark has long befriended the TRCC, not only paying entry fees for the annual Founder’s Day/Food Fest but also acting as the main liaison between the club and Town Hall, our home for many, many years. Many, many thanks are extended to Mark for all his assistance and best wishes in his retirement. In honor of service to the community, the new records building is being named for him. We can only hope his successor will continue in his footsteps and solidify the relationship between the TRCC and Toms River.
A link to a recording of the official announcement in Town Hall follows.
If you “google” Mark, more of his achievements can be seen and recognized.
Attending were Tom Bogert, Rexford Cristal, Steve D’Agostino, Austin Kramer, Dylan Clark. Pravin Lakhani, Joe O’Brien, Andrew Assur, Edd Knowles, Elliott Kleinman, Isaiah and Joan Totaro, Michael Chua, Daniel and Patrick Balton (who have been missing for much too long!), Pat Festa, Justin and Alicia Baylock, Mike Favata (whose hours have changed and have made him available on Thursdays again!), Devon Engelhardt (who was given instruction by Tom Bogert), Dan Westadt (engrossed in conversation with Edd Knowles), Maximus Banks and his father, Conrad, Bob Sherman, Renee Paugutan (who is trying to get in a game with Edd Knowles, a very popular guy!), Adrian Love (who came alone, up from Little Egg Harbor, on a bus, to profess his “love” of chess and the TRCC), Sam Foster, Paul Howe and myself in addition to those mentioned above. Also one person whose name was absolutely illegible! Thirty-seven chess players. A good night.
Some sad news; Dylan Clark will be leaving as he is moving to Somers Point in August. He states that he will return for as many meetings as possible but no longer every week. We will miss him. So if you haven’t played him yet and you want the challenge, time is of the essence. More on that in the following weeks. But it might mean a resurgence in the Ventnor chess club.
Any questions, comments, corrections or suggestions, contact me,
Stephen Shoshin