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July 13, 2017
Toms River Chess Club Newsletter 2017 #24
This week (13-19 July)….
It was like “Old Timer’s” night at the TRCC when long absent members made return visits to the meeting. Paul Rubbinaccio made a surprise visit, renewed his membership, bought a chess clock and even brought a visitor from the Howell Library where he plays chess, Pravin Kahlani, who promptly joined the club! What support for the TRCC! Thanks for your allegiance, Paul and welcome, Pravin, our newest member!
Anthony Imbriale also showed up, not having been around for years, it seems! Anthony plays mostly on line but heard that Paul was going to attend, so made the trip over.
Jason Rodd also made an appearance, the first in ages. Joe Ferraioli, who hails from Eatontown, took a trip down, and Vincent Calfapietra, who we have not seen in too long, arrived unexpectedly, too! Welcome back!
The hope is that “over the board” games of chess, with new opponents of differing skills will entice them all into returning again and again. That’s what the TRCC is all about!
And a note of gratitude for all new and renewing members: the club is only strong and viable thanks to you. Make an effort to learn your renewal date and keep up with the dues! The record book is brought to each meeting. It is appreciated.
Lowell Berg, Richard Newmark, Isaiah and Joan Totaro, Joe O’Brien, Austin Kramer, Edd Knowles, Evan Segui, Chris and Janice Kenney, Steve D’Agostino, Tom Bogert, Greg Coats, Stan Lachick, Jim Bonanno, Matthew Gil, Michael Chua, Andrew Assur, Elliott Kleinman, Bob Whiteside, Jim Tuzeneu, Pat Festa, Jim Carter (making a late but appreciated appearance) and myself were also attending members with visitors Gabriel Cattan, Dylan Giacobbi and Renee Pangutan to complete the assemblage.
A meeting was arranged and held between the club president and a lawyer and TRCC member to determine what must needs be done for the Toms River Chess Club to become an official non-profit organization. Rob Slomicz, who recently opened his own practice at 204 Court House Lane, Suite 202, Toms River NJ, was researching the various 501 statuses that the club could apply to become and informed the president of his work. More questions needed to be investigated and Rob will look into them. It will be the next step for the club to become fully legitimized.
Any questions, comments, corrections or suggestions, contact me,
Stephen Shoshin